Types of dreads: Is there a difference between sisterlocks and traditional locs?

Hi everyone! I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t know that there are different types of dreads. In fact, many people have never even heard of sisterlocks. So I compiled a brief overview of what is the difference between sisterlocks and dreadlocks.

What are sisterlocks?


Sisterlocks are basically smaller dreadlocks achieved with a specified hair locking technique and locking tool.

How do you do dreadlocks/sisterlocks?

Dreadlocks can be achieved through palm-rolling, matting, or braiding. Sisterlocks, however, require a very specific technique. This locking technique has been trademarked by Sisterlocks, the company. Therefore, anyone who wants to do sisterlocks has to be a registered consultant or registered trainee.

Can I do my own locks myself?

While you can do your own dreadlocks with no extra effort through matting, or with some effort and a braiding or palm-rolling youtube video, doing sisterlocks isn’t so easy. In order to become a sisterlocks consultant, one has to go through a training course offered by the company that costs around $1500 USD before tax! But don’t despair! It is possible for you to learn how to do your own sisterlocks from R-certified consultants. They hold their own courses at a much lower cost. Everyone’s sisterlocks are locked using the same techniques, but there are several lock patterns to choose from, depending on your type of hair. Therefore, the locking pattern varies per person. R-certified consultants will identify your individualized lock pattern and teach you how to do it.

How long do locks take to install (create locks for the first time)?

The installation time varies depending on how long and how thick your hair is. My sisterlocks took about 15 hours. My hair was approximately 4 inches long at the time, but I have thick hair. Another factor is the speed of your sisterlocks consultant. The locticians where I used to live move much faster than the ones where I live now, so it could also depend on your region. Dreadlocks, however, generally take significantly less time to install since they are bigger than sisterlocks. Whether you do it yourself or go to a hair professional that deals with dreadlocks, the time will vary based on the above-mentioned factors (hair length, hair thickness, and speed).

[See Types of Dreads: Interlocs vs Sisterlocks vs Palm rolled locks.]

How much does it cost?

The cost depends on your region and the person doing it. I have seen a range of prices as well as different pricing models. Some use a flat rate while others charge by the hour. However, even with all the uncertainty surrounding the cost, if you are going to a registered sisterlocks consultant or trainee, the price of sisterlocks will definitely be higher than the price for dreadlocks. Also note that the sisterlocks installation cost will be about 5 times the cost of retightening (locking the new growth). Remember that the installation cost is just to start the locks process, so it will thankfully be a one-time payment. With sisterlocks, the retightening interval is usually about 6 to 8 weeks; but with dreadlocks, people tend to retwist their hair more often (every month), so this is also a factor when considering costs.

How long do sisterlocks/dreadlocks take to mature?

This answer depends on your hair and how you treat your locks in the beginning, but usually with sisterlocks, it takes around 1 year to get out of the beginner phase. However, your hair will start to look like sisterlocks after about 2 retightening appointments, so you will get the look before they fully mature. Dreadlocks, on the other hand, won’t look like locks until they actually mature. Generally, it takes between 1 to 2 years for dreadlocks to mature. They take longer because this heavily relies on your hair matting together.

Not sure if to get locks? Click here to read To lock or to not? Deciding on locks


That’s it for the types of dreads: sisterlocks vs dreadlocks edition.

Until next time! 


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P Hammersmith

Hi Jay. You said your installation took about 15 hours!!!! Most of us would not be able to sit for that long.

Bonita Smitb

My Sisterlock installation took 23 hours over two days. That was six and a half years ago and I have not regretted the decision once. My healthy hair now reaches my waistline!!

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