Simple loc updo for dummies

Hi everyone! Updos are hairstyles that every person should have in their repertoire for a fancy occasion. The thing is that for locs the tutorials are few and far between. Not to mention, they are usually complex, at least too complex for a non-stylist like me. I can’t even do cornrows! For those hair challenged like me, today I’ll show you how to do a simple loc updo.

Things needed:

1. Section out some of your locks and put the rest in one.

2. Thoroughly wet that section using the Rose water Revitalizing Spray.

3. Take that section and wrap the locks around the flexirod in a downward inward motion.

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Use the end of the flexi rod to hold the ends of your locks in place. Be sure to bend the top as well.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for the rest of your locks.

Don’t forget to wrap inward! This means always roll towards the middle of your head.

locs ringlets

5. Spray everywhere thoroughly one more time.

6. Let your locks air dry, preferably overnight.

7. Take out the flexi rods.

loc ringlets

8. Separate the curls.

9. Put your locks in a ponytail using the hair tie.

You can use bobby pins to keep the short locks at the back in place. You can also use the pins to frame the curls how you want them. Then, you could complete the look by doing your edges with the no product buildup method.

Here’s what the loc updo should look like.

Until next time!


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